How To Cool Your Tauranga Home More Efficiently

With many homes in Tauranga being renovated, and many more being new homes, its time to plan for energy efficient cooling. Here are a few quick ideas.

Get the right heat pump and use it correctly

By now, most people know, that heat pumps are highly efficient for both heating and cooling. In fact, with summer coming, its good to know that they are even more efficient at cooling than heating.
If you are renovating, installing a heat pump now is a great idea. You’ll be glad you did. If you are planning a new home build them definitely ask your builder to incorporate heat pumps in the design.

How to choose the right heat pump for your home

  1. Select the heat pump power rating that matches your needs.  We can help you choose when we know a bit more about your home. For example, the size heat pump you need depends on:
    • The size of the area to heat/cool
    • The climate/temperatures you experience where you live. For example, the climate in Tauranga is generally a bit warmer than Hamilton. Hamilton homes experience more frosts so Hamilton builders will usually recommend a different heat pump than a builder in Tauranga, or a Coromandel builder in Whangamata.
    • How much insulation you have in your home
    • How many windows you have.
  2. Then look at the energy star ratings of the heat pumps you are reviewing. Get the highest star rating you can but only compare the same size models based on (1) above.

How to use your heat pump to keep house nice and cool this summer.

  1. Set the thermostat to around 21 degrees and leave it there. Resist the temptation to dial it right back to 18 degrees. This will only make the unit work harder (less efficiently), but it won’t cool your house down any quicker.
  2. If it is humid, use the dehumidifier function on for a while to dry out the air.
  3. Keep all your doors and windows closed.
  4. Closing the curtains when the sun is blasting in can help too.
  5. How To Cool Your Tauranga Home More Efficiently, and close the hall door

Use LED Bulbs

LED bulbs create light but not heat. The older incandescent bulbs create more heat than light.

Turn Appliances off including towel rails

Not only will this reduce heat in your home, but it will also reduce your power bill.

Have a cold shower

Hot showers produce steam and heat into your home and require energy to remove. Besides, at this time of the year a cool shower is nice and refreshing.

While we are discussing showers, if you use a flow restrictor on your shower you will save both water and energy, saving you money in the process.

Cook Outside

Cooking inside usually involves the oven or saucepans. Both of these also introduce heat and moisture into the room and require energy to remove.

Yes, its time to crank up the bbq!